Friday, March 27, 2009

favourite part of a day.

Morning fellow bloggers,
today is saturday!
my favourite day of the week, and i just woke up to hear the happy chirping sounds of birds, and laughing kookabura's, a little tickle of breeze, tickled th hairs on my neck, so i snuggled deep down into my blankets, and listened to the early sounds of nature wake :)
This is most definetly my favourite part of the day, because it is the only time you have peace, after that all the phone calls and appointments come rushing in, and the only noise you can hear, is mechanical - traffic, honking, yelling, your brain spinning!

After my little moment of peace, i woke up and was so overwhelmed with things i had to do, that i decided to make a list to make it all simpler.

Things to do on Saturday!
1. buy paper
2. write a feature article about genocide in sudan
3. write a feature on creative industries practioner
4. go to logan library
5. take some amazing picture
6. Indulge in a luxury for myself :)

What do you guy's do when your stressed, and what is your ultimate fav day and why?
Can't wait to hear your answers xx zeeee.

My luxury for today: Talking, gossiping and planning with my sister, at the bridge

Whats yours?

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