Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hello rain.

rain, rain, rain up above from the skies.. smells so loveley in summer time :)

these are some of my favourite things to do in the rain, curl up and drink tea, splash in puddles, kiss a loved one, ride a bike, play chess, snuggle under the dona, and slide around in socks :]

and then just as fast as it starts...the rain suddenly stops, and all thats left is the droplets on leaves.. and budded lilac blossoms.


The only thing that would make this rainy day more perfect is if i didn't have assignments for uni :(
but tell me, what do you like to do when it rain?


  1. Oh the assignments for uni hurt me much more on sunny days than the rainy ones ;) I love curling up under a blanket and watching some movie with mu mum. Sipping tea (cherry sencha!) while the drops drum against my window..

    thank you so much for following my blog and the sweet comment

    sparks in thousands!

  2. Oh thank you for coment!
    And omg, I have to say I love rain too!
    There is something more beautiful and fascinating .. I'm in love this time ..

    Come again sweetie!

  3. Thanks for your comment! I'm in my 3rd and final year of uni now, so much work to do! This post makes me almost wish it was raining now haha!

  4. Looking at these pics makes me realize how much I actually love the rain. It rains a lot in Seattle, and when I went to Cali to get away from the constant cold weather.. I came to realize I actually missed the cold, wet, weather.

    For Spring break, a lot of American kids usually go on vacations and party and such, but I've been just hanging with friends and playing board games, :). I'm quite boring! Haha. And its a week off too, so its kind of the same! What its like for your week off?

    And you sound pretty sure in what you want to do, I'm confident you will do well. I wish you the best of luck!


  5. These pics are so cute. But I have to say that I get extremely depressed when it rains. I should start doing some of the activities in the pics to enjoy it:)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog!

  6. thank you for the great comment. guess what? its raining in los angeles right now.
