Wednesday, September 2, 2009

the dilemma of uniqueness.

Uniqueness is a dangerous word. Perched up high on a pedistool, it is the Paris Hilton of all words, demanding attention, it burdens us humans with great expectations.

The strange thing is, us humans crave to be unique, and yet also need to feel belonged, in a group or click, which in turn challenges the concept of uniquenes. Walking through the city at 10am, the words, group and unique, swirl and tumble in the air. The city showcases people of all kinds - business men, corporate chicks, emo, artists, singers, writers, all pieces of fitting into their puzzle. You see, the problem with uniqueness, is it isloates a person, excludes them from society, a unique person has no group, it is only them that exists, because they are special, different..............unique.

The thing is, it must be exhausting being unique...Having to constantly reinvent yourself, so that you are the only one, of your kind. There is noone to relate to, noone to discuss things one has in common, noone to laugh and plot and dream with, because of this thing called uniquness, pretentiously perched on top of your head. These days, everyone is trying to be "unique" the huge expectation of being "one of a kind" grows in humans like a much people start becoming extreme....Dying their hairs electric blue...wearing free-loving clothes from the 60's...developing queer habits and doing outrageous things out of their element....Maybe if i change who i am, who i was...maybe then i can be truly unique...they all start to think...except it doesnt make you makes everyone all the same, and so people become desperate, dangling up high, and holding on with both hands, to this concept of uniqueness...isolating themselves from the world. A lonely life is must be, being unique.

How nice it must be nice, to be un-unique. A weight lifted off your shoulders, you can finally relax..there is no pressure to constantly be on the alert, checking if your style has been copied, devising plans to re-unique yourself...instead you can rejoice in the things you have in common with people, and share ideas, passions, styles and thoughts...
Emma Watson a collector, once said, "Collectively we shine" and in doing so, we find ourselves inside. :)

Celebrate sharing your colour in this universe.
xx Zee

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